Sister Sarah

Sister Sarah, the owner, is a certified Root worker, born and raised in the south, and handcrafts oils, supplies and curios for your spiritual needs, from traditional recipes and old time practices.

Sister Sarah also offers consultations, and divinations. She is the only Conjure Doctor in the South that uses real human bones to examine your past, know your future, and offer advice on your present state.

Interested in a custom Mojo bag, doll baby or spell? Sister Sarah can help you!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Saint Rosalie Picture Spell for Money

This is an old spell collected by Harry M. Hyatt as he crossed the South interviewing old conjure doctors and spiritual ladies.

Saint Rosalie is known by hoodoo practitioners as the "Saint of Money" and will help make you prosperous, if you promise to give back to the poor.

Take a picture or altar card of Saint Rosalie and anoint it with Prosperity Oil. Each day take yellow candle (one small one each day, or one large one, burned in sections) and light it in front of the picture, asking for Saint Rosalie's help and placing a few pennies or nickels into a dish.

At the end of each week, carry the money with you and give it to the first person who asks you for some money. (It's considered a good sign if a blind man asks for the money)

Lucky Mojo to draw Money, Success and Love

Take one rabbit's foot, one nutmeg and three tonka beans. Dress them all with fast luck oil or sprinkle them with fast luck sachet powder. Carry them all together in red flannel bag to bring good luck in money, love, and games of chance.

"Feed" the bag with more Fast Luck oil once a week.

Uncrossing Oil Recipe

This is very similar to the Uncrossing Oil that I use in my store, and is perfect for getting rid of crossed conditions, negative influences, or enemies.

Uncrossing Oil

1 oz Sweet Almond Oil
2 dr. Vitamin E Oil
10 dr. Hyssop Oil
6 dr. Lavender Oil
3 dr. Angelica Oil

Pinch each:
and Pennyroyal

Friday, October 8, 2010

Prosperity Oil Lamp

Oil Lamps have a long tradition in hoodoo culture. Oten herbs, stones and curios are added to the lamp oil along with Spiritual Oils. Petition Papers are then placed under the Oil Lamps as they burn.

Here is a spell to make a Prosperity Oil Lamp, along with a Prosperity Petition Paper.

To an oil lamp add
9 drops Prosperity oil
1 small cinnamon stick
7 allspice berries
a pinch of Patchouli
Small Loadstone
Small Chunk of Pyrite Stone
Small piece of Dragon's Blood Resin

Fill the lamp with lamp oil, and decorate the glass with dollar signs, money charms, or other wealth drawing symbols

To make a money drawing petition. Write your name 9 times on a piece of paper and cross it with the words "Money, Come to me!" 9 times. ("to cross" means turning the paper so that you 'cross' the two sets of words in perpendicular lines.

Dress (anoint) the paper with Prosperity Oil, fold and place under the lamp. You can place more than one paper under each lamp, and they often act as community spells.

Each time you light the oil lamp pray to the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, asking for the money you need to come to you. (Ask wisely, and for no more than you actually need.)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fiery Wall of Protection Altar Candle

This is a very easy spell to ask St. Michael the Archangel for his protection from those that wish to do you harm.

You will need a white candle (or a St Michael or Fiery Wall candle), a piece of parchment, and Fiery Wall of Protection oil.

On the paper write your name 9 times, and cross it with St. Michael's Prayer:

Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host -
by the Divine Power of God -
cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits,
who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.

(To cross something on a petition paper means to turn the paper clockwise a quarter turn, so that you write over your first words, forming a cross)

Anoint the paper with Fiery Wall of Protection oil, and fold it, placing it under the candle. If you are using a simple white candle, then anoint (or 'dress') the candle also.

Light the candle and recite St Michael's Prayer and let it burn a seventh of the way down before snuffing the candle out. Repeat this for seven days until the candle is completely used up, then carry the paper in your wallet whenever you must meet with your enemies.

Traditional Fast Luck (Lucky in a Hurry) Oil Recipe

This is a traditional hoodoo recipe for Fast Luck oil, and is very similar to the one used in my own shop.

1 oz Sweet Almond Oil
5 drops Allspice Oil
3 drops Patchouli Oil
1 drop Cinnamon Oil

Add a pinch each marigold and tobacco, and one 4 leaf clover.

Use this oil to anoint yourself, candles or lottery ticket. Add to a bath, or use in any spell that calls for Fast Luck or Luck in A Hurry oil

Diminish an Enemy's influence, and call Blessings for yourself

Here is an old time spell to diminish an enemy’s influence, while calling down blessings for yourself You will need a two color candle (black and white) and blessing or uncrossing oil:

Carve a new wick on the bottom of the candle (popping off the aluminum wick tab as you do so.) Carve your name on the white side and dress it with blessing or uncrossing oil. Write your enemy’s name in “mirror” or backwards writing on the black part, and leave it undressed.

Take The candle and sit it sideways on a nail, so that you can burn both ends at the same time. (This is common in traditional spells, I’ve found the best way to do this is to heat the nail first, with a blast from a not so traditional hairdryer) Burn the candle all the way to the middle, then crumble up the dripped wax and cast it out at a crossroads. Keep a piece of pure white wax for your mojo bag or altar.